me board

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  • poster board (you could even do this on a sheet of paper)

  • scissors  

  • glue or tape

  • extras - sparkles, glitter, stickers, markers

  • magazines, coupon books, newspaper, junk mail


I wanted to share this fun project that Kennedy and I did to kick off the new school year. We collected magazines, junk mail, some fun extra art supplies, a poster board and got to cutting! This is such a fun + easy project to do, specially because you probably have a lot of these supplies around your house already. There’s not much to it, you can do it with anyone or just by yourself!

We could not decide what exactly what our theme should be for our mood boards so Kennedy suggested we simply just cut out stuff we like! Being the type A person that I am, I didn’t have high expectations for mine without a theme. But honestly, it ended up being so cool to see it come together because at the end, it did have a theme; me! It reflected all the things, colors, textures, beliefs, thoughts + vibes I love right now which was a really cool final result. 

Now we plan to do this together every year before school starts and keep them all year after year so we can look back and see how our taste and sense of self has grown and changed through the years!

Here is how ours turned out this year :)


Sometimes it helps to have a couple examples of things to look for as you get started so I’ve listed some ideas to look for below:

  • words that resonate with you

  • phrases you say or like

  • anything funny

  • colors you love, wear, want to wear, want to paint a room in your house

  • scenes you want to experience, scenes you think are beautiful

  • items you have, items you want

  • food you like, food you want to make, foods you’d like to try

  • typography you think looks cool, branding you like

  • logos of your favorite brands, logos you think are cool


a letter from santa


love letter garland